EU Data Protection Law
From 25th May 2018 Meet the Makers have created a new privacy policy. To view our policy click here
Thank you for your continued interest in Meet the Makers Privacy Page.
Meet the Makers is committed to maintaining the trust and confidence of our traders and subscribers. As part of this commitment, we have recently updated our Privacy Notice to set out in more detail how we collect, use, manage and protect your personal data to meet the high standards of the General Data Protection Regulation.
As a reminder, you may change your communication preferences at any time by contacting us at meetthemakerslancs@gmail.com Our emails sent from Wix also have an "unsubscribe" link to allow you to unsubscribe from our e-newsletters.
Privacy Notice
Who we are and why we hold personal data:
Meet the Makers exists to platform, promote and support local designer makers through market style events. We engage with all sectors of society to promote our events and our subscribers, suppliers and supporters. In this privacy notice, we provide information on when and why we collect your personal information and how we use it and store it. We do not sell or trade email lists or contact details with other organisations and businesses.
We hold personal details for our existing exhibitors, names, emails and phone numbers. For suppliers we keep names, email and phone numbers and for our subscribers, we keep only email addresses. We have either been given your details by yourself or your email has been recommended to us. For subscribers, we will only every use your email to contact you directly, to inform you of our events or to promote other events we are organising. We will never share your email with any external outside body.
We will keep your email secure, only to use to contact you directly on Wix or via our email provider, GMAIL, this is only accessed with a login email and password or by email. Your contact details are held on a secure password spreadsheet and cannot be accessed by anyone outside of Meet the Makers.
We update the password every 12 months unless sooner for any good reason, such as a change of admin support or coordinators. We will delete your subscriber email should you ever wish to unsubscribe within a month from your request unless you request this done immediately, in which case this will be actioned immediately. You can unsubscribe to our emails at any time of the day or night by emailing meetthemakerscollective@outlook.com If you request to be unsubscribed, you will immediately no longer receive emails from us and all of your personal information will be removed from our records within 20 working days.
How do we use personal data?
​We use that information provided by subscribers for the following reasons: to send you information about our activities, and information that is of direct relevance to our events; to contact you with our e-newsletter, every month or two with details of upcoming events and activities, to check our records are right and to check every now and then that you are happy and satisfied. We use a third-party provider, Wix, to deliver our newsletter and other marketing materials about the work of Meet the Makers. We gather statistics around email opening and clicks using industry standard technologies to help us monitor and improve our e-newsletter. For more information, please see Wix Privacy Policy.
We only use personal information gathered for the purpose of sending you information about our events and other areas of our work.
How do we use information gathered from use of our website?
Like many websites, Meet the Makers website uses cookies to collect information. Cookies are small data files which are placed on your computer or other devices (such as smart ‘phones or ‘tablets’) as you browse the website. They are used to ‘remember’ when your computer or device accesses our website. This includes information about pages viewed and your journey around a website.
We do not use cookies to collect or record information on your name, address, IP address or other contact details. If you want to disable cookies, you need to change your website browser settings to reject cookies. How you can do this will depend on the browser you use.
When someone visits Meet the Makers website, we use a third party service, Wix Analytics, to collect standard internet log information and details of visitor behaviour patterns. We do this to find out things such as the number of visitors to the various parts of the site. This information is only processed in a way which does not identify anyone. We do not make, and do not allow Wix to make, any attempt to find out the identities of those visiting our website. We do not make, and do not allow any third party to make, any attempt to find out the identities of those visiting our website.
Access to your information and correction.
We want to make sure that your personal information is accurate and up to date. You are entitled to view, amend, or delete the personal information that we hold. Email your request to meetthemakerscollective@outlook.com